Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation

Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation

Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation

Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation
Sodwana Bay... it's a special place
Hot Spots
Depth 10-13m

Arial view of Jesser Point & Quarter Mile Reef

Photo by Greg de Valle

Frequent visitor on Quarter Mile
Stringer is situated just beyond the backline and is generally best dived in flat conditions and when there is not too much current. It is like an oasis in a desert – 2 rocky outcroppings surrounded by sand. Gamefish are frequent vistors and stringer also a nursery area for juvenile fish.are hiome to myriad creatures – includinf paperfish, an abundance of rays, potato bass, moray eels, juvemile emperor angelfish and much more. Be warned - the camera loving potato bass will hardly let you get a shot of anything else!