Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation

Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation

Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation

Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation
Sodwana Bay... it's a special place
Depth 20m
Bikini & surrounds
Bikini Reef lies just out to sea of the southern end of 2 Mile reef. It is dived in 3 main areas - the Northen Wall, Mellow Yellow on the southern end and Hopscotch, the deeper arm lying out to sea.
The cleaning station on the northern wall is a macro photographers dream, while huge schools of yellow snappers hang lazily in the nutrient rich mid waters on the southern end, giving it the name " Mellow Yellow"

Pic by Cathy Bloemhof

Pic by Geoff Spiby

Pic by Cathy Bloemhof

Pic by Cathy Bloemhof

Pic by Cathy Bloemhof

Pic by Cathy Bloemhof

Pic by Cathy Boemhof

Pic by Cathy Bloemhof

pic by Cathy Bloemhof

Pic by Marie Broodryk

Pic by Cathy Bloemhof

Pic by Cathy Bloemhof