Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation

Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation

Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation

Sodwana Bay Sodwana Bay diving Sodwana Bay fishing Sodwana Bay accommodation
Sodwana Bay... it's a special place
Jesser Point
Jesser Point is the rocky point at the southern corner of the bay, where the boats launch from.
There are lovely rock pools to be found here and also some amazing sealife to be seen when snorkelling along the inside edge on low tide. Just be aware and make sure that you don't venture too far from the rocks and into the boat launching area. It's also a great place to fish off the rocks on low tide or cast a line into the bay on high tide. Remember you need to buy a fishing permit.

Arial view of Jesser Point & Quarter Mile Reef